Would you like to work in a successful and friendly team in the nail salon? Do you want perfect nail design and a pleasant working environment? Are you looking for the best tips for satisfied employees and customers?
Our expert Stefanie has put together some information for you and shares her wealth of experience with you so that you can improve teamwork in your nail salon and be recommended by satisfied customers. Professional competence, the ability to work in a team and motivation are important skills for the success of a nail salon! They have a significant influence on the atmosphere and are responsible for a “feeling of togetherness” , also known as team spirit. Annoyance within the team, poor nail design results and problems with customers, on the other hand, block the team spirit and create an unpleasant atmosphere. We'll tell you what you should pay attention to when working together in the nail salon, how you can avoid points of contention and how you can improve the work in the studio through constructive criticism.
What characterizes a good team in a nail design studio?
All nail designers working in a studio are referred to as a team - they share the space in a shop and often work closely together. They are trained experts in their field who all pursue a common goal: to make the nail salon a success through flawless nail design and satisfied customers. In the best case scenario, the nail technicians feel like they are a unit and “There is no I in a team” applies. They take on the challenges of the varied yet strenuous everyday studio life as a community and combine their skills and experiences for the tasks at hand. Despite different functions, tasks or positions in the team, all members are treated as equals. However, close cooperation also brings with it the potential for conflict, which can be minimized using various methods.
- All nail designers from a studio
- Experts with a common goal
- Master challenges together
- Connect competencies
- All members are equal
- Reduce potential for conflict
XL interview with the expert: Teamwork in the nail salon
Our experienced nail designer Stefanie has more than 15 years of professional experience and has worked in various nail salons. She answered six questions for us in detail. Here you will find practical tips and tricks to improve teamwork in your studio - for perfect nail design in a feel-good atmosphere.
Why is teamwork important to you in the nail salon?
Nail designer Stefanie: Good collaboration with my colleagues in the nail salon is very important to me. If I am unsure about a treatment, for example if I have problem nails where the gel modeling does not hold or if I have an injury, I discuss the procedure with my colleagues and we exchange our experiences - so together we can achieve perfect results from which our customers benefit. In my opinion, tight schedules in the studio can be adhered to more easily if there is good cooperation: If someone finishes early and cleans the other person's space or instruments, collects money or makes new appointments with customers, time is saved and everyone can be at the end of the day Go home early in the day. I also think it's nice when I suggest colors to a customer that should go with a certain outfit or event, and my colleagues then give their opinion and help the customer make a decision - six eyes simply see more than four and everyone follows that common goal: to fully satisfy the customer.
- Share experiences with problem nails and injuries
- Adhere to schedules
- Get advice for perfect nail design
What influence does a good working atmosphere have on the success of a nail salon?
Nail designer Stefanie: I think that colleagues who support each other prefer to go to work and get through the day more relaxed. For the customer it means that she gets the best treatment and that someone with a free mind, for example without being annoyed by annoying colleagues, ensures flawless nail design. With the satisfaction of the nail technicians and the mutual assistance, a warm and calm atmosphere is created for the best results. Customers in a nail salon naturally find this pleasant and feel comfortable - they are happy to come back, recommend others and thus make a significant contribution to the success of a nail salon.
- Nail technicians prefer to go to work
- Best treatment for the customer
- Satisfied customers recommend others
What are typical points of contention in the nail salon team?
Nail designer Stefanie: I think respect and consideration are particularly important when working closely together in the nail salon, which is why it's even worse when colleagues just do their own thing and are not interested in the work that needs to be done outside of their direct area of responsibility. For me, it's natural to relieve the burden on my colleagues whenever I can - for example, by preparing or cleaning something without being asked and answering it when the phone rings or taking walk-ins with requests for appointments or vouchers. A classic point of contention is the completion of work at the end of the day: For me, the first person to finish with their customers is to tidy up and clean, prepare order lists, count products, restock shelves - everything that needs to be done at the end of the day must. Of course, it is important that it is not always the same person, but that the colleagues take turns and that things are fair.
- Lack of respect & consideration
- Just do your own things
- Do nothing for the community
- Distribute tasks fairly and alternate
How do you avoid arguments in the nail salon?
Nail designer Stefanie: I think open and constructive communication is the key to good teamwork in the nail salon. Expressing criticism for improvement clearly and clearly without being hurtful or subtly teasing is very important to me. Furthermore, you should be able to separate: the criticism applies to the work, not to the person himself - so you should take it seriously, but not personally. Monthly group meetings can provide a good framework for such discussions. In my opinion, an absolute no-go is an argument in front of customers. In my opinion, it is particularly important to put together a team in which the individual characters fit together and ideally complement each other. It's not that easy, because you never know how the dynamics between the employees will develop. In general, similar ideas and goals should be present. It becomes difficult when one faction is very much in favor of traditional nail design and the other side would like to be super modern and jump on every trend - here it is important to find a middle ground and, if necessary, make sure that the colleagues are of the same age and training are about the same level.
- Open communication
- Constructive criticism for improvement
- Do not hurt or tease
- Monthly group meetings
- Appropriate selection of team members
- Similar age & same level of education
What does good teamwork look like when you are sick?
Nail designer Stefanie: If one of my colleagues calls in sick, it goes without saying that I take care of their customers. If possible, I try to adopt these. If necessary, I call your customers to inform them of the cancellation and to reschedule appointments.
- Serve customers
- Accept appointments
- Inform customers
- moving appointments
What improves collaboration with your colleagues?
Nail designer Stefanie: My colleagues and I also do something privately from time to time: for example, we go to the Christmas market together or try out a new restaurant or watch a film in the cinema. This is important for us to strengthen our sense of belonging. We strive to always pull together and to be helpful - we also make this clear to new employees. We also rely on communication and speak honestly about problems that arise, discuss possible solutions and strive to treat everyone equally, regardless of whether the employees are old or young, new or have been there for a long time.
- Private joint ventures
- Strengthen a sense of togetherness
- Honest communication
- Solution-oriented
- Treat everyone equally